Category: Letters
Letters From The Lord of The Hill 4/28/23
My dear child, 1) I the Lord will be thy strength. 2) I will save my people and bless their inheritance. 3) I will show my work unto my servants and my glory to their children. 4) And the beauty of the Lord shall be upon thee and I will establish the work of thy…
Letters From The Lord of The Hill 4/27/23
My dear child, _____, 1) It is the supreme desire of my heart that thou mayest be wise in the ways of God and thus make my heart glad. In thee shall I have wherewith to rebuke him (Satan) that reproacheth me. 2) Obey my voice and obey all that I command you: so shall…
Letters From The Lord of The Hill 4/26/23
My dearly beloved one, 1) If thou wilt seek me with thy whole heart and keep my testimonies thou shalt be blessed. 2) I will open thine eyes that thou mayest behold wondrous things out of my law and I shall 3) make thee to understand the way of my precepts. 4) You shall walk…
Letters From God 4/25/23
My dear child _____, Wouldst thou be wise? Know that 1) the secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him and that I will show thee my covenant. Know too that I shall 2) teach the man that feareth me and guide him in the way that he shall choose. Wouldst thou glory…
God’s Letters
My dear child, _____, 1) I have heard thy voice out of my temple and thy cry hath come into mine ears. 2) I have brought thee into a large place because I have delighted in thee. 3) I am thy God that girdeth thee with strength and maketh thy way perfect. 4) I will…
Letters From The Lord of The Hill
My dearest child, _____, I am the Lord God who watcheth over thee to keep thee in all thy ways. I am He who 1) suffered no man to do my anointed any harm and who 2) reproved kings for their sake. 3) Seek after thy God and His strength; and seek after His face…
Letters From The Lord of The Hill
My dear Abba Father,My dearest Abba Father God in heaven,Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in my life as in heaven. Teach me how to render ever more ready and joyful obedience. Enable me, by thy good spirit to have a growing and deepening faith in thee. Open thou mine…
Letters From The Lord of The Hill 3/30/22
My Dearest Abba Father,Grant me faith upon faith. Help my faith to grow exceedingly much – to thy honour and glory. May the end of this year have marked a quantum leap forward in my ministry to others – especially via the internet. Thou hast filled my mind with ideas to share of practical nature;…
Letters From The Lord of The Hill 3/22/22
Today’s Letter to God Dear Abba Father,I am so grateful to know that thou art a God near at hand: that thou dost guide my steps. As I look back into the years of my life I see nothing but blessings received at thy hand. Looking ahead into the great uncertain I seek & expect…
Letters From The Lord of The Hill 3/20/22
Today’s LetterMy dear Abba Father, I pray that thou wilt put into my heart such a spirit of praise that all shall see the glow on my face. I pray that thou wilt increase my faith, increase my confidence in thee, grow my ambition for thy honor, and help me to think thy thought after…