
Greetings, new friend of the Arts,

If you are here in search of life-changing resources for yourself and those you love, then you’ve come to the right place.

My name is Jim Pappas. I am a writer for stage, screen and print and I produce and publish all of my own materials.

It just so happens that I am very interested in education and family matters and so all of my productions are family-friendly and suitable for listeners/viewers of all ages.

Some of my materials are products of my own imagination, such as “Heaven’s a Nice Place to Visit, But . . . ,“ a stage production featuring an imaginary visit to heaven by an unconverted ex-boxer who thinks he would enjoy heaven just fine. So, in a dream he traverses the pearly gates only to find . . .

I also enjoy adapting ancient stories for consumption by the modern family. A good example would be “The New Amplified Pilgrim’s Progress.” This reworking of John Bunyan’s original masterpiece not only features simplified Old English but is actually a creative expansion in its own right. An earlier version of the manuscript is available as a dramatized audio recording.
In its original incarnation, Company One was a drama troupe of 12-15 members who shared Christian drama with churches, schools and local communities. We were based in Angwin, California at Pacific Union College and performed not only there but at churches, schools and theaters located in the Napa Valley and in Santa Rosa.

As you will see as you get to know us better, Company One is all about “Praising God Through The Arts.” Time and circumstances have taken us away from the live stage for a few years but, as this new web site demonstrates, we are about to hit the ground running again. What that means will be unfolded over the next few months as we see how God chooses to lead us.

If you are a “creative” in any of the stage/film/literary arts, you may wish to keep close tabs on our progress as we foresee hosting film and drama festivals as well as reproducing several of my past works as stage productions, audio recordings and films.

So good to have you on board. Be sure to join our mailing list to be kept in touch.

May you thrive,

Jim Pappas