My dear child,
1) I the Lord will be thy strength. 2) I will save my people and bless their inheritance. 3) I will show my work unto my servants and my glory to their children. 4) And the beauty of the Lord shall be upon thee and I will establish the work of thy hands. 5) I will preserve thee from all evil, yea, I will preserve thy soul. 6) I will also preserve thy going out and thy coming in for evermore. 7) I will hear the voice of thy supplications and be your strength and shield. 8) Trust in me and thou shall be helped and thy heart shall greatly rejoice,
Love, Abba
1) Psalm 28:6
2) Psalm 27:9
3) Psalm 90:16
4) Psalm 90:17
5) Psalm 121:7
6) Psalm 121:8
7) Psalm 28:6
8) Psalm 28:7
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