Letters From The Lord of The Hill 4/27/23

My dear child, _____,

1) It is the supreme desire of my heart that thou mayest be wise in the ways of God and thus make my heart glad. In thee shall I have wherewith to rebuke him (Satan) that reproacheth me. 2) Obey my voice and obey all that I command you: so shall ye be my people and I will be your God. 3) Take up your cross and follow me, for whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it. 4) I am thy light and thy salvation – what man is there to fear? I am the strength of thy life – of whom do you need to be afraid? 5) I will teach you my ways and lead you in a plain path. 6) Wait upon me and be of good courage and I will strengthen thy heart.

Love,  your Abba.

1) Proverbs 27:11
2) Jeremiah 10:4-5
3) Luke 9:23-24
4) Psalm 27:1
5) Psalm 27:11
6) Psalm 27:14


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