Letters From The Lord of The Hill 4/26/23

My dearly beloved one,

1) If thou wilt seek me with thy whole heart and keep my testimonies thou shalt be blessed. 2) I will open thine eyes that thou mayest behold wondrous things out of my law  and I shall 3) make thee to understand the way of my precepts. 4) You shall walk at liberty and share 5) my testimony before kings without shame. 6) Because of my testimonies you shall have more understanding than all your teachers. 7) Continue to keep my precepts and thou shalt understand more than the ancients. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding; for 8) the way of man is not in himself and it is not in you to direct your own steps. It is the 9) entrance of my words that give understanding unto the simple and  10) great peace have they which love my law and nothing shall offend them. Amen!

Love, – Your Abba


1) Psalm 119:2
2) Psalm 119:18
3) Psalm 119:27
4) Psalm 119:45
5) Psalm 119:46
6) Psalm 119:99
7) Psalm 119:100
8) Jeremiah 10:23
9) Psalm 119:130
10) Psalm 119:165


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